Building a model for the internal ballistic problem of recoilless weapons with high-pressure combustion chamber
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Recoilless weapons; Internal ballistics; High-low pressure; High-pressure chamber.Abstract
This paper presents a method for building a mathematical model and solving internal ballistic problems of recoilless weapons with high-pressure chambers. The model is built on the basis of inheriting the internal ballistic model of rocket engines and conventional guns and adding specific equations for recoilless weapons with high-pressure combustion chambers. The problem is solved using the numerical integration method on MATLAB software. The results of the study determined the law of pressure in high-pressure chambers, low-pressure chambers, and grenade velocity. The calculated results are consistent with the design data of the 93 mm weapon, demonstrating the reliability of the problem model. This serves as a basis for designing calculations and investigating the impact of structural parameters on the dynamics of recoilless weapons with high-pressure chambers.
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