Researching the modification and evaluating the effectiveness of treating the military poison yperit with Busofit activated carbon fabric
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Activated carbon fabric; Chemical warfare agents Yperit; Surface decontamination.Abstract
Activated carbon fabric (ACF) Busofit is a commercial product widely used in Russia and Eastern European countries for adsorption and environmental treatment. In this paper the results of a study on the modification of ACF using thermal methods and evaluates its effectiveness in treating the toxic agent yperite are presented. The results show that after be modificated at 700 °C for 2 hours, Busofit ACF achieves a specific surface area of 970 m2/g and a yperite treatment efficiency of approximately 96.4% at a surface toxic density ranging from 2 g/m2 to 14 g/m2, a temperature of 30 °C, and a treatment time of 5 minutes. The research findings serve as a basis for further development of new materials for future applications in the production of chemical protective gear.
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