Longitudinal slotted waveguide antenna with a wide frequency sweep angle



  • Le Doan Trinh (Corresponding Author) Viện thiết kế tàu quân sự, Tổng cục Công nghiệp Quốc phòng




Waveguide antenna; Vertical slot; Amplitude distribution; Extended finite element method.


 The article analyzes and synthesizes slotted longitudinal-waveguide antennas so that, at the same time, it is possible to overcome the phenomenon of reflected resonance, when the main beam is perpendicular to the waveguide (f = 17.3 GHz), and create a uniform distribution of amplitudes along the antenna at two different frequencies, to expand the sectors of frequency scanning (f = 19.6 GHz). The waveguide antenna has a rectangular shape, contains a dielectric material made of Rogers RO4003 (ε = 3.55), on the long side of the rectangular box, there are pairs of longitudinal slots distributed along the waveguide. The calculation results show that it is possible to simultaneously overcome the reflected resonance when the main beam is perpendicular to the waveguide and synthesize a uniform amplitude distribution along the waveguide at two different frequencies. The synthesis increased the gain of the antenna by 0.8 dB at 17.3 GHz and by 2.8 dB at 21.5 GHz. At the same time, the sectors of frequency scanning after synthesis (58 degrees) are also wider than before synthesis (50 degrees).


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How to Cite

Lê Doãn Trinh, “Longitudinal slotted waveguide antenna with a wide frequency sweep angle”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 92–96, Dec. 2023.



Research Articles