A model for permeability of porous media under fully saturated conditions
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Permeability; Porous media; Porosity; Capillary; Fractal.Abstract
Permeability is an important parameter that describes the ability of a porous medium to transmit water under saturated or nearly saturated conditions. It governs the flow of fluids and migration of contaminants beneath the ground surface, especially in soils and aquifers. The permeability depends on properties of porous media such as porosity, cementation, pore size, pore size distribution, pore shape and pore connectivity. In this work, we develop a model for permeability in porous media under saturated conditions using a capillary bundle model. The proposed model relates the permeability to properties of porous media such as maximum pore radius, minimum pore radius, porosity, tortuosity and fractal dimension for pore space. The model is then successfully compared to existing experimental data and a widely used model from the literature.
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