Building the optimal structural multi-purpose UAV group design algorithm on the basis of the dynamic compression method
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Unmanned aerial vehicle; Multi-purpose group; General dynamics compression method; Algorithm; Monitoring; Surveillance sercurity in East Sea.Abstract
The article presents the problem of solving the problem of selecting the design characteristics of a multi-purpose unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) group. On the basis of the general dynamics compression method (GMDS), the algorithm is developed to solve the problem of target assignment distribution among different types of UAVs. Simulation results of the optimal multi-purpose UAV system model for analysis, assessment, monitoring, monitoring, forecasting security situations, solving problems of rescue and rescue, as well as evaluation effectively perform the task of each individual UAV in the UAV system. Provide a panoramic view for the commander when performing tasks in the East Sea, the waters of the continental shelf of Vietnam, taking into account internal and external disturbances, acceptable assumptions, functional limitations, initial conditions. The results of the work can be used to solve new scientific problems posed when changing missions, tactical and technical requirements of the UAV system, as well as the number and types of UAVs on the payroll.
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