Research the efficiency of swine farm wastewater treatment treated by biogas by the model combination of constructed wetland and stabilisation pont in Thainguyen province
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Wastewater treatment; Swine farm wastewater treatment; Constructed wetlands; Stabilisation ponds; Swine farm wastewater.Abstract
The report represents the results of researching the ability to treat swine farm wastewater treated by biogas by the model combination of constructed wetland and stabilisation pont in Thainguyen province. The model includes a wastewater tank (24L), a constructed wetland L x B x H = (1,05 x 0,3 x 0,6) m, an stabilisation pond (L x B x H = (0,7 x 0,3 x 0,5) m). The model was operated from 02/10/2022 to 30/11/2022 with flow rates of 12 L/day. Wastewater in the model had high concentrations of pollutants. The average values of pH, COD, , of wastewater into models were 7.04 ± 0.18; 701.76 ± 33.21 mg/L; 740.61 ± 18.65 mg/L; 56.54 ± 4.05 mg/L respectively. After 47 days of operation, the model reached stable removal. The average concentration of pollutants in wastewater flow out decreased significantly. The average concentration of COD, , were 47.76 ± 6.35 mg/L; 208.78 ± 4.16 mg/L; 14.08 ± 2.04 mg/L and the average removals were 79.14%; 71.88% and 74.99% respectively. Wastewater after treatment has an average pH of 8.1 ± 0.34. However, the treated wastewater has not reached the limit value of QCVN 62 - MT: 2016/BTNMT for the analyzed parameters.
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