Research and implementation of virtual reality technology to build 3D application that simulates the disassembly and assembly of equipment and weapons (DASim)
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Disassembly of equipment and weapons; Virtual reality; Simulation technology; VR.Abstract
Disassembly and assembly of equipment and weapons (E&W) is a regular work of great importance in the military. Implementing the right procedures and quickly will help increase efficiency and ensure the safety for the citizens and weapons. However, the training and training of cadres, technical staff, trainees and soldiers to master the skills of disassembling equipment and weapons takes a lot of time and resources, and there are also many risks in the practice process. Virtual reality (VR) application is a time-saving and effective solution for training knowledge and training weapons disassembly skills, not only allowing users to interact with a virtual environment like reality, but also minimize potential risks in the process of practicing with real equipment and weapons, without mastering the process of disassembly and maintenance.
In this paper, the research team will present the approach, build an algorithm and design a software program to simulate the disassembly of weapons equipment using 3D virtual reality technology. The software consists of three main modules: theory, practice, testing, helping officials, technical staff, trainees, and soldiers to master knowledge from theory to practice process, forming skills before operating directly on real weapons. The study concretizes through the example of establishing the content of the structure, disassembly process and practice of disassembling AK submachine guns, 7.62 mm PKMS. In addition, the paper will also evaluate the effectiveness of the use of VR in training and training personnel to disassemble and assemble weapons.
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