163 viewsKeywords:
Measuring; Data processing; Optoelectronics; Meteorological precipitation; The disdrometers; Soil erosion.Abstract
Research rain parameters such as drop size (diameter) D, rainfall amount R, rainfall intensity I, rainfall kinetic energy (KE) is great significance for many applications in wave propagation, erosion, meteorological, atmospheric physic research, troposphere structure measurement,… The paper presents some results on rainfall characteristics in Hanoi during the observation period when using drop size measurement equipment that based on optical principle have been improved and manufactured in the project [8]. Regarding the particle size distribution, the relationship between the frequency of occurrence and the rain particle size follows the Polynome function of degree 6 with the coefficient of determination R2 > 0.9. Relationship KEtime(I) matches a linear function with the coefficient of determination R2 > 0.8.
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