Evaluation of changes in decorative properties and service life for acrylic paints in the climatic conditions in Northern Vietnam
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Accelerated test; Paint AR-752; Paint Tar 5366; Rural tropical climate; Service life prediction; Decorative properties.Abstract
Northern Vietnam is characterized by four distinct seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter), with winters typically dry and summers ranging from hot to mild. Materials (typically protective coatings for steel structures) used in this climate zone are also subject to extremely complex influences and are quickly destroyed. Therefore, the service life and decorative properties of coatings are always of concern to users and paint manufacturers. This work presents results of service life prediction, changes in gloss, and color of acrylic paint by accelerated tests. Stages of the accelerated test were simulated according to rural tropical conditions at Hoa Lac station (Yen Binh commune, Thach That district, Hanoi city, Vietnam). The service life of acrylic paints is determined according to Russian State standard GOST 9.401-2018, gloss is determined according to Vietnamese standard TCVN 2101:2016, and the color change is determined according to TCVN 9882:2013. Results of the accelerated test have shown that the corrosion time of acrylic paints reaches Ri 3 (according to TCVN 12005-3:2017 assessment), the service life of acrylic paint AR-752 is 3.35 years, and paint Tar 5366 is 3.60 years.
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