A solution to build a simulation environment to synthesize data to determine the limited angle of attack parameters of the su-27 aircraft



  • Le Ngoc Lan (Corresponding Author) Viện Kỹ thuật Phòng không - Không quân
  • Phung Quang Khai Học viện Phòng không - Không quân
  • Ngo Doan Thanh Học viện Phòng không - Không quân




Allowable limit angle of attack; COC-2-1 system; Su-27.


This article presents a solution to build a simulation environment to synthesize data to determine the allowable limit angle of attack parameters of the Su-27 aircraft. This parameter is determined to serve the process of researching and designing a limited signals computer of the Su-27 aircraft (under the information security conditions of the aircraft manufacturer, there are no aerodynamic parameters). The solution is simple and easy to apply to determine the limited angle of attack for Su-27 aircraft as well as other types of aircraft.


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How to Cite

Lê Ngọc Lân, Phùng Quang Khải, and Ngô Doãn Thanh. “A Solution to Build a Simulation Environment to Synthesize Data to Determine the Limited Angle of Attack Parameters of the Su-27 Aircraft”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, no. CAPITI, Apr. 2024, pp. 140-6, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.CAPITI.2024.140-146.



Research Articles