A method to improve image quality by mixing images from two different image sources



  • Le Khanh Thanh Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Le Ba Tuan Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Vu Quoc Huy (Corresponding Author) Institute of Military Technical Automation, Academy of Military Science and Technology




Machine vision; Image processing; Improve image quality; Image matching.


This article describes a method to improve the quality of infrared images by mixing images from two sources of conventional camera images and infrared images to observe the same scene. Two images from two different cameras do not have a consistent data structure: different resolutions, different fields of view (FOV), and different lens adjustments. To improve the quality of an image source, the images must first be converted to the same conditions. The two images are then mixed to enhance the quality of the infrared image. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the method when infrared image quality is improved.


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How to Cite

Lê Khánh Thành, Lê Bá Tuấn, and Vũ Quốc Huy, “A method to improve image quality by mixing images from two different image sources”, JMST, no. CAPITI, pp. 161–167, Apr. 2024.



Research Articles