278 viewsKeywords:
Photonic crystal fiber; Dispersion; Soliton; Supercontinuum generation.Abstract
Supercontinuum will generate if a short pulse propagates through the nonlinear medium. The spectra will broaden more and more, and at the end of the medium, spectral width is larger than 100 THz (white light). Supercontinuum is used for various applications such as spectroscopy, pulse compress, femtosecond laser source. In this paper, the prosess of supercontinuum generation is based on the nonlinear effects as group velocity dispersion, induced Raman shift, four-wave interastion, and fundamental soliton fission is analysed through distance of photonic crystal fiber. The influence of pulse energy, duration of input pulse and the zero-dispersion wavelength on the shape of supercontinuum spectra is numerically observed and discussed for the case that the input pulse propagates through a photonic crystal of silica with air-holes.
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