Building a MRAC-HIL adaptive control system for DC electric motors



  • Tang Thanh Lam (Corresponding Author) Institute of Missile and Control Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Le Thanh Hai Institute of Electronics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thanh Tien Institute of Military Mechanical Engineering, General Department of Engineering



Adaptive control; MRAC; HIL RCP; DC motor control.


This article proposes an approach to build a model reference adaptive control MRAC system for DC electric motor using MRAC-HIL coordination based on the RCP rapid control prototyping tool MicroLabBox. In this plan, the  reference model, control algorithms and functional input-output blocks were built based on the MATLAB-Simulink library and additional libraries from dSpace. The entire models and algorithms were compiled, downloaded to the MicroLabBox, run and tested in real time. The experimental results of using the direct Lyapunov method and the speed gradient method confirm the advantages of adaptive control which applied to control objects with variable or uncertain parameters. Control system is stable,  the performance is good and depends on reference model only. The idea of coordinating MRAC-HIL can be extended to other control objects, tools, and development platforms.


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How to Cite

L. Tăng Thanh, Lê Thanh Hải, and Nguyễn Thanh Tiên, “Building a MRAC-HIL adaptive control system for DC electric motors”, JMST, vol. 97, no. 97, pp. 41–49, Aug. 2024.



Electronics & Automation