A solution to regulate tilt angle for photovoltaic panels to improve the capability to harness power from photovoltaic power generation






Photovoltaic power generation; Renewable energy; Solar irradiance; Two-axis movement; Solar tracking system.


This study proposes two design methods for mechanical and control systems to improve the capability to generate power from photovoltaic power generation. The operating principle of photovoltaic power generation and the effect of solar irradiance on the ability to release electrons will be considered and analysed to make clear the role of the solar tracking system in the operating process. The mechanical design will be introduced for a two-axis system to track the movement of the sun at any time in a day and days in a year. The control system is designed to meet automatic operating requirements in real time using real-time module or information collected from light sensors. Hybrid servo-step motors will be used to rotate two axes with a fixed distance corresponding to the designed angle calculations that can help to have accurate movements and low power consumption. Proposed researches will be demonstrated by an experimental model created in Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Thai Nguyen University. This model was installed and tested in its operations for a long time to show the ability to apply scientific ideas to real systems as solar trackers.


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How to Cite

Lê Tiên Phong, “A solution to regulate tilt angle for photovoltaic panels to improve the capability to harness power from photovoltaic power generation”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 85–91, Dec. 2024.



Control – Automation