Optimum design of 3RUU parallel robot using improved Atlas method
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Parallel robot; 3RUU; Minimum velocity transmission coefficient; Dexterity; Jacobian.Abstract
This article talks about using the improved Atlas method to optimally design the 3RUU parallel robot. The goal of this design is to determine the geometric dimensions of the robot so that the indicators of force and velocity conversion ratio between joint space and working space are best. There are three design criteria used in this study including robot dexterity, minimum velocity transmission coefficient and rigidity. The optimization method used in this study is the improved Atlas method. This method allows dividing multi-objective problems into single-objective problems and then superimposing feature Atlases to determine the optimal region. The novelty of the research is that the author will replace the Atlas superposition step with a technique called spread spectrum, this technique does not plot the characteristics like the original Atlas method but it superimposes representative values. number of the attribute under investigation on a predetermined grid of points on the robot's working space. The illustrative results in the article show that this method has potential for application on symmetric parallel robots with less than 4 variables needing to be synthesized.
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