Torque imporvement of IPM motors with skewing magnetic designs



  • Bui Minh Dinh School of Electrical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Dinh Hai Linh (Corresponding Author) College of Electromechanical and Civil Engineering, Vietnam National University of Forestry



Interior Permanent Magnet; Torque, V shape, Skewing design.


In this paper, a type interior permanent magnet synchronous motor designs is proposed for sport scooter application to improve constant torque wide speed performance. Interior Permanent Magnet machines are widely used in automotive applications for their wide-speed range operation and low maintenance cost. An existing permanent magnet motor (commercial QS Motor) is 3 kW-3000 rpm. In order to improve torque and power in wide speed range, a IPM electric motor 5.5 kW -5000 rpm can run up to 100 km/h: An Step-Skewing Interior Permanent Magnet motor alternatives is designed and optimized in detail with optimal magnetic segment V shape. The electromagnetic charateristics of Interior Permanent Magnet motors with V shape are compared with the reference Surface Permanent Magnet motor for the same geometry parameter requirements. Detailed loss and efficiency result is also analyzed at rate and maximum speeds. A prototype motor is manufactured, and initial experimental tests are performed. Detailed comparison between Finite Element Analysis and test data are also presented. It is shown that it is possible to have an optimized Interior Permanent Magnet motor for such high-speed traction application. This paper will figure out optimal angle of magnetic V shape for maximum torque and minimum torque ripple.


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How to Cite

Dinh and Dinh Hai Linh, “Torque imporvement of IPM motors with skewing magnetic designs ”, JMST, no. 76, pp. 3–10, Dec. 2021.



Research Articles