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Carbon dioxide (CO2); Carbon emission; Soil respiration; Infrared gas analyzer; Can Gio mangrove ecosystem.Abstract
Soil respiration is a research direction that makes important contributions for assessing the carbon exchange and storage capacity of forest ecosystems. The carbon emissions of the ecosystem through the respiration of woodland ground can be determined by various methods and devices, but the most common is the closed static chamber manner. In this research, soil respiration of the native ecosystem of Can Gio mangrove forest (Ho Chi Minh City) was measured by the DC-Dynamic chamber technique at 12 natural forest habitats with typical plots size 20 m x 20 m. The CO2 flux emitted from the soil into the atmosphere obtained through a closed chamber is transferred to a portable IRGA infrared gas analyzer and returned to the chamber for evaluation of measurement parameters. The results show Can Gio mangrove forest emits carbon through soil respiration with an average flux of 4.39 µmolCO2.m-².s-¹. The amount of CO2 emitted via the soil varies in space and time and is correlated with chamber temperature and humidity. Chamber temperature and humidity, tidal regime have impacts on CO2 emission through soil respiration at each sample plot location.
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