Studying the possibility of making CT cruise dose by domestic technology



  • Nguyen Duc Thuan (Corresponding Author) Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Cruise dose; Missile CT; Anti-tank missile.


The CT missile is a close-range guided anti-tank missile. The CT cruise engine has two main tasks: generating thrust to maintain the cruise speed of the rocket; extract a part of the combustion product into the rudder to control the missile. This paper presents research results on the possibility of using a type of propellant that has been produced stably by domestic technology (RSI propellant) to design a CT cruise dose that meets the set requirements. From the calculation and analysis results, the article makes recommendations on the use of this propellant to design CT cruise dose.


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How to Cite

Nguyễn Đức Thuận, “Studying the possibility of making CT cruise dose by domestic technology”, JMST, no. 77, pp. 170–174, Feb. 2022.



Research Articles