Design servomotor for conveyor system
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Servo motor; Performance; Motor design; Optimization; Conveyor belt application.Abstract
This paper presents a research for calculation, design and performance optimization of servo motor applied in conveyor belt. Firstly, base on the movement requirements of the conveyor, the characteristic requirements of the research engine are determined after detailed calculation steps. Then, the study uses optimization algorithms to find voltage and slip coefficients to optimize the performance at the working points of the motor. This work has reviewed and designed three motors with different configurations and current densities, through which the mass, efficiency and temperature rise can be evaluated and compared. The paper reviewed and designed three motors with different configurations and current densities. The mass, efficiency and temperature rise of these configurations can be evaluated and compared. The optimal design result of servo motor plays a role important in selecting the most suitable motor in terms of cost, performance and response time for a particular demanding application.
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