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Linear attack; Chi-squared method; CUSUM method; detection threhold; Receiver Operating Characteristic – ROCAbstract
This paper presents the ability to detect linear attacks of the Chi-squared (CHI2) and the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) methods, in case the Kullback–Leibler (K-L) method cannot detect. The object, which is attacked by the linear attack, is the wireless communication process from sensors to controller with a simulated mathematical model. The attack matrices are calculated to ensure that the K-L method cannot detect. With these matrices, the detection thresholds of CHI2 method and CUSUM method are chosen and tested to estimate the ability to detect the linear attack. Simulated results show that an appropriate range of threshold of the CHI2 and the CUSUM methods can be chosen to detect the linear attack in case the K-L method cannot detect. In addition, the obtained results also show that the detection ability of the CUSUM method is better than that of the CHI2 method.
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