Microstructure, mechanical properties and abrasive wear behaviour of plasma sprayed NiCrBSi coating
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Atmospheric plasma spray; NiCrBSi; Friction; Wear; Crankshaft.Abstract
For wear-resistant parts, working in extreme conditions such as the crankshaft of internal combustion engines, it should be replaced after 1-2 times of grinding to the repair size. The manufacturing of the new crankshafts in Vietnam is still limited, so restoration of the size and depositing a coating with high wear resistance that is suitable with the working requirements of each type of engine are meaningful. This paper presented the results of applying atmospheric plasma spraying technology with NiCrBSi coating to renovate the crankshaft journal of the M113 armored personnel carrier. The coating microstructure and mechanical properties as-sprayed were investigated. After that, the tribological performances of the coated specimens were studied on ball-on-flat tribometer under different loads of 10, 20 and 30 N. Wear mechanisms were mainly oxidative wear and abrasive wear. The quality of coating was good, the crankshafts which were restored by atmospheric plasma spraying technology qualified the technical requirements of the M113.
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