Researching assessment on magnetic anomaly effectiveness results for prolate spheroidal hulls by optimization algorithms
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Degaussing Coil; Optimization Algorithm; Active-set Algorithm; Sqp Algorithm; Interior-Point Algorithm.Abstract
This research presents the results of minimizing the magnetic anomaly of a prolate spherical hull using 3 optimization algorithms Active-set, SQP and Interior-Point in Matlab, to optimize the effect of magnetic field compensation by degaussing coils. The authors approaches the degaussing problem by mathematical models of prolate spherical hulls and each internal degaussing coil, then uses 3 optimization algorithms to minimize the cost function of the problem. The optimal results of the 3 optimization algorithms are compared and evaluated qualitatively in the form of graph observations and quantitatively in the form of RMSE value of residual magnetic anomaly and RMS value of original magnetic anomaly. head. The objective of this research is to make comments and evaluate the minimization results by 3 different optimization algorithms, thereby proposing the selection of the optimal algorithm suitable for the equivalent hull model.
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