Image Compression using All-optical DCT and DST



  • Bui Thi Thuy Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment
  • Dang The Ngoc Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology
  • Le Trung Thanh (Corresponding Author) International School (VNU-IS), Vietnam National University



All-optical discrete cosine transform (DCT); Image processing; Multimode interference coupler; Optical signal processing; Signal processing.


In this paper, we present a method for realizing all-optical Discrete Sine and Cosine Transform (DST/DCT) for image compression. We show that all-optical DST and DCT can be achieved by using only one 4x4 MMI (multimode interference) coupler at a suitable width and length. The proposed method can process image data at high speed and high bandwidth. We use numerical methods for simulating the whole devices


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How to Cite

Bui Thi Thuy, Dang The Ngoc, and T. T. Le, “Image Compression using All-optical DCT and DST”, JMST, no. 82, pp. 159–166, Oct. 2022.



Research Articles