Weighted Multi-Modal Fusion for RGB-T Tracking
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Visual Object Tracking; Multi-modal fusion; Convulutional Neural Network; Discriminative Correlation Filtes.Abstract
As an important task in computer vision, visual object tracking, especially RGB tracking like KCF, CSRDCF, SiamFC, SiamRPN, ATOM, SiamDW, DiMP are commonly believed to be fast and reliable enough be deployed. However, RGB tracking obtains unsatisfactory performance in bad environmental conditions, e.g. low illumination, rain, and smog. It was found that thermal infrared sensors (8÷14 µm) provide a more stable signal for these scenarios. Some same level fusion modal algorithms such as FSRPN, SiamDW_T, mfDiMP obtain higher results while the environmental conditions are not considered. The paper describes a weighted multi-modal fusion for RGB-T tracking. Experiments are carried on VOT-RGBT dataset that demonstrate our algorithm achieve EAO of 0.423, higher than some popular tracking algorithms and can operate at speed of 13 fps on casual hardware.
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