Generation of radio pseudo-target signals to evaluate some functions of electronic warfare complexes on ships



  • Pham Van Hoa (Corresponding Author) Institute of Electronics, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Dang Viet Hung Naval Region 2, Vietnamese People's Navy
  • Nguyen Nam Truong Naval Region 2, Vietnamese People's Navy
  • Tran Hoai Nam Naval Region 4, Vietnamese People's Navy



Electronic warfare; Navy ships; Super high frequency; Generating radio signals; Functional evaluation.


Nowadays, generating radio target signals for electronic warfare complexes on ships is a necessity, it allows to support of research and mastery, repair and restoration, manufacture of replacement materials, and regular technical test for the complexes at the ship's units. This paper presents some research results in building a solution for generating radio target signals for electronic warfare complexes on ships. The radio target signals with remotely configurable parameters (including carrier frequency, pulse width, pulse repetition frequency, and pulse beam width) are generated and transmitted to the receiving antenna of the reconnaissance and jamming equipment; thereby, we perform tests and evaluate some functions of the complex. The generated radio signal parameters are measured and evaluated in the laboratory to achieve the specifications and meet the actual requirements.


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How to Cite

H. Pham Van, H. Dang Viet, T. Nguyen Nam, and N. Tran Hoai, “Generation of radio pseudo-target signals to evaluate some functions of electronic warfare complexes on ships”, JMST, no. 83, pp. 110–114, Nov. 2022.



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