An energy-efficient command broadcast protocol in dynamic WSNs





Command broadcast; Leaf nodes; Sharable slot scheduling; Node mobility; Energy efficiency.


In wireless sensor networks (WSNs), a sink must broadcast periodically a command message to a group of nodes or all nodes to control the operation of the network. However, the sparse distribution and limited resources of nodes bring difficulties for efficient broadcasting. In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient command broadcast protocol based on the construction of a spanning tree which includes maximizing the number of leaf nodes, and the allocation of one sharable slot to each tree level. The sharable slot that allocates to tree level will be divided into multiple mini slots, and non-leaf nodes at the same level will compete for broadcasting; in this way, collision can be reduced. Moreover, a node that moves to another level can use the sharable slot allocated to the new level without reallocating the slots. Extensive simulations prove that this approach not only achieves high reliability of message delivery but also energy efficiency.

Author Biographies

Ta Van Khoe, Le Quy Don Technical University





Phan Trong Hanh, Le Quy Don Technical University




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How to Cite

V. K. Ta and T. H. Phan, “An energy-efficient command broadcast protocol in dynamic WSNs”, JMST, vol. 87, no. 87, pp. 20–31, May 2023.



Research Articles