Fabrication of TiZrN wear-resistant thin films by reactive rf magnetron sputtering



  • Lan Ngoc Nam (Corresponding Author) Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Pham Hong Thach Institute for Tropical Technology and Environmental Protection, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Golosov Dmitry Anatolievich Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics




Magnetron sputtering rf; TiZrN films; The microhardness; The friction factor; The volume wear.


These wear-resistant coatings based on TiN films have potential applications in the mechanical and defense industries. In this study, I studied the fabrication of TixZr1-xN film by rf magnetron reactive sputtering on titanium substrates (VT1-0), the influence of N2 gas concentration in the N2/Ar gas mixture on the mechanical and tribological properties of layers, namely microhardness by Knoop method, friction factor, volume wear by abrasive method and thickness of films by light interference method. The results showed that the mechanical and frictional properties of TixZr1-xN films are affected by the concentration of N2 gas in the N2/Ar working gas mixture, the sputtering rate of film formation, and the annealing process after heat treatment. At a concentration of N2 in the N2/Ar gas mixture 6-8%, the formation of a film of uniform thickness with a microhardness of up to 25.69 GPa, a friction factor lower than 0.15 and an volume wear, is ensured 10-7 mm lower. The study demonstrated that the addition of elemental Zr to the TiN films improves the properties of the thin film.


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How to Cite

N. N. Lam, H. T. Pham, and G. D. A. Golosov, “Fabrication of TiZrN wear-resistant thin films by reactive rf magnetron sputtering ”, JMST, no. VITTEP, pp. 72–78, Dec. 2022.



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