Optimization of pesticide wastewater treatment process by Electro-Fenton technology with Fe3O4-Mn3O4 catalyst
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Electro FentonFe3O4-Mn3O4; Imidacloprid; Pesticide.Abstract
Pesticide is hard to remove from the water due to the presence of many non-biodegradable organic compounds and toxic matter. In this study, Electro Fenton process with Fe3O4-Mn3O4 catalyst was applied to treat pesticide wastewater. Three parameters: pH, Fe3O4-Mn3O4 dosage, and applied voltage were investigated to optimize the treatment process. Pesticide wastewater was synthesized from a commercial pesticide (Confidor 200SL) for an Imidacloprid (IMI) content of 23.0 mg/L to 27.0 mg/L. 97.2% pesticide was eliminated, corresponding to an IMI concentration of 0.71 ± 0.2 mg/L, after 210 minutes, a voltage of 19.5 V, catalyst of 0.41 g/L, pH of 4.3, and Fe3O4: Mn3O4 ratio of 1:1. Stability and catalyst recovery were also investigated, indicating the potential for application of this technology.
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