Research of spectral characteristics and autocorrelation function of nonlinear frequency modulated radar signal
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Nonlinear frequency modulation; Linear frequency modulation; Manipulator phase modulation; Autocorrelation function; Wideband signal; Signal spectral characteristics.Abstract
The content of the article analyzes the limitations in wideband signal processing when increasing the modulation frequency band width of the emitted signal in order to improve the performance of radar systems. On that basis, a mathematical expression is proposed for the nonlinear frequency modulation (NLFM) function of the emitted signal. The results of surveying the spectral characteristics and autocorrelation function of the NLFM signal with the proposed modulation function show the advantages of this signal compared to the linear frequency modulation signal (LFM) such as overcoming the multi-value of measuring target distances, increasing anti-interference ability for modern radar systems without high requirements on hardware configuration of the digital signal processing system.
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