Prediction of earing in deep drawing of the cylindrical cup of stainless steel SUS304 by numerical simulation
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Anisotropy; Earing; Deep drawing; Barlat 89 yield criterion; Stainless steel.Abstract
After the deep drawing of cup-shaped features, the product develops a "earing" due to the anisotropy of the sheet metal. Predicting the formation of "earing" during the deep drawing process is crucial for decreasing this fault. The goal of this work is to forecast the production of "earing" during the deep drawing process of a cup-shaped detail made of stainless steel SUS304 by modeling and experimental results. In a simulation employing the experimentally obtained anisotropy coefficients of stainless steel SUS304, the Barlat 89 yield criteria was used. The findings demonstrate parallels in the creation of the "earing" and demonstrate that the Barlat 89 model may be used to anticipate it.
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