Design and fabrication of a tri-band high -frequency power divider
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Multi-band power divider; PSO; Wilkinson power divider; Insertion loss; Scattering parameters.Abstract
This paper presents a method of designing a power divider operating at 3 bands 0,9; 1,6 and 2,2 GHz. The circuit is designed, simulated and optimized by using ADS software. The measurement results of the scattering parameters were consistent with the simulation results. The measured parameters of the power divider are as follows: insertion loss at three operating frequencies are better than -3.3 dB, isolation level better than -19.1 dB, return loss better than -17.2 dB. Compared with previous tri-band power dividers, the designed power divider has the advantage of low loss, and the remaining parameters are all good enough.
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