Influence of process parameters on single track quality of 316L stainless steel by direct laser metal deposition (DLMD)



  • Duong Van Nguy Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical Academy
  • Ngo Minh Tu Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical Academy
  • Nguyen Van Quan Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical Academy
  • Nguyen Tai Hoai Thanh Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical Academy
  • Le Van Van Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical Academy
  • Doan Tat Khoa (Corresponding Author) Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Military Technical Academy



Direct laser metal deposition technology; DLMD; Laser; 316L.


Direct Laser Metal Deposition (DLMD) is a modern shaping technology with great potential for application in key industries. There are many factors that affect the quality of the formed layer, among which the process parameters have a significant impact. This paper investigated the influence of process parameters, including laser power (P), powder feed rate (Mp), and scanning speed (V), on the geometric characteristics of the single track, such as height (h), width (Wc), and depth (hmix), when using the DLMD technology on 316L material. The results showed that: The laser power has the greatest impact on the width of the single track (45.97%) and the depth of the single track (42.05%). Meanwhile, the powder feed rate has the greatest influence on the height of the single track (58.44%).


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How to Cite

V. N. Dương, M. T. Ngô, V. Q. Nguyễn, T. H. T. Nguyễn, V. V. Lê, and T. K. Doan, “Influence of process parameters on single track quality of 316L stainless steel by direct laser metal deposition (DLMD)”, JMST, vol. 88, no. 88, pp. 154–161, Jun. 2023.



Research Articles