Research on application of Artificial neural network to predict high waves near the shore in Cua Dai sea area, Quang Ngai province



  • Vu Van Ngoc (Corresponding Author) Key Laboratory of River and Coastal Engineering
  • Ta Duc Hai Faculty of Aerospace, Military Technical Academy



ANN; Significant wave height; Wave prediction; Mike 21SW.


 Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) are considered as a powerful tool to solve complex and nonlinear problems, especially in cases where relationships between processes are not easily established. easy way. explicitly. Currently, artificial neural networks are widely applied in various fields of science and technology and in hydrodynamic studies in coastal estuaries is no exception. Using ANN has significant advantages in large data processing, fast resolution with guaranteed accuracy. In this study, the authors used an artificial neural network to calculate, simulate and predict high waves near the coast in Cua Dai sea area in Quang Ngai province during the period of June 2016 and early July. 2016. The ANN training dataset includes starting data taken from NOAA offshore wave data, the output data is taken from the calculation results of Mike 21SW mathematical model at Cua Dai Sea. Ability to enhance reliability when building the Mike 21SW mathematical model, the output results of the Mike 21SW model will be compared with the actual measurement results at Cua Dai beach within the first 7 days of July 2016. The results of computational simulation and prediction of high near-shore broadcast rates of the ANN are compared with the results of the Mike 21SW mathematical model and the actual survey results.


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How to Cite

N. Vũ Văn and H. Tạ, “Research on application of Artificial neural network to predict high waves near the shore in Cua Dai sea area, Quang Ngai province”, JMST, vol. 88, no. 88, pp. 147–153, Jun. 2023.



Research Articles