Research on formulating ingredients and evaluating the decomposition ability of 2-chloroethyl phenylsulfide by green decontamination based on molybdate



  • Vu Thanh Binh (Corresponding Author) Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Do Ngoc Khue Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Ha Hai Nam Viện Hóa học Môi trường quân sự, Binh chủng Hóa học
  • Dao Duy Hung Viện Hóa học Môi trường quân sự, Binh chủng Hóa học
  • Hoang Kim Hue Viện Hóa học Môi trường quân sự, Binh chủng Hóa học
  • Nguyen Thanh Hai Trường Sĩ quan Phòng hóa, Binh chủng Hóa học



2-CEPS; Green decontamination; Molypden; Triton X-100.


This paper presents the results of initial research on investigating the role of some components in green decontamination in the metabolism of 2-chloroethyl phenyl sulfide (a military poison simulant yperit). Each component of green decontamination was investigated and determined to play a role in the detoxification process, including surfactants, catalysts, buffers and oxidizing agents. From the research results, the optimal conditions were selected and initially proposed a detoxifying ingredient with 2-CEPS conversion efficiency of over 99% after 15 minutes. Simultaneously, a number of products have been identified from which the mechanism of 2-CEPS metabolism is proposed.


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How to Cite

T. B. Vũ, Đỗ Ngọc Khuê, Hà Hải Nam, Đào Duy Hưng, Hoàng Kim Huế, and Nguyễn Thanh Hải, “Research on formulating ingredients and evaluating the decomposition ability of 2-chloroethyl phenylsulfide by green decontamination based on molybdate”, JMST, vol. 90, no. 90, pp. 94–101, Oct. 2023.



Research Articles