Determining the projectile’s mass to ensure the ballistic characteristics of 9 × 19 mm frangible bullets
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Frangible cartridges; Interior ballistic; Exterior ballistic; 9 x 19 mm bullet.Abstract
This paper determines the projectile’s mass of 9 × 19 mm frangible, ensuring the ballistic characteristics such as the maximum pressure, the trajectory altitude of a projectile in the effective range and the recoil impulse of the pistol, which are equivalent to the commercial bullet 9x19 mm. The projectile’s mass frangible bullet is determined based on solving the classical interior and exterior ballistics. The results show that the projectile’s mass of frangible bullet should be in the range of 6,48 ¸ 7,35 g, this is the base to develop the domestic frangible bullet 9 × 19 mm.
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