Design of equalizers for frequency selective MIMO systems with low redundancy



  • Ta Chi Hieu (Corresponding Author) Faculty of Radio-Electronics Engineering, Le Quy Don Technical University



MIMO; IBI; Frequency selective; Broadband; Decision-feedback equalizer.


In this paper, we propose several designs of filter bank based decision feedback equalizers (DFE) for frequency selective multi-input multi-output (MIMO) systems. Transmission schemes over frequency selective channels are typically block based, and redundancy in form of guard intervals must be used to avoid inter-block interference (IBI). This paper will focus on the case where spectral efficiency demands low levels of redundancy. Then the remaining IBI will be eliminated by a separate feedback loop. The co-channel interference (CCI) inherited in MIMO channels will be eliminated by different DFE schemes. In another approach, a multi-tap MIMO DFE will be designed to deal with both IBI and CCI. The simulation results show that for quasi-static frequency selective MIMO channels, the multi-tap DFE provides the best performance while for Raleigh frequency selective MIMO channels, the dual loop DFE is a good solution for transmission with low redundancy. 


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How to Cite

C. H. Ta, “Design of equalizers for frequency selective MIMO systems with low redundancy”, JMST, vol. 91, no. 91, pp. 20–27, Nov. 2023.



Research Articles