Prediction of Air Quality Index using genetic programming



  • Chu Thi Quyen (Corresponding Author) Hanoi University of Industry
  • Ngo Thi Thanh Hoa Hanoi University of Industry
  • Nguyen Thi Cam Ngoan Hanoi University of Industry



Machine Learning; Genetic Programming; AQI.


The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a tool used to measure the impact of air pollution on health over time. In the world, air pollution has significantly increased, and machine learning techniques are used to forecast and analyze AQI. We present a new way for using GP to evolve models for AQI forecasting in this work GP can evolve more accurate AQI forecasting models than other standard machine learning algorithms, according to experimental results using datasets obtained from various stations across multiple cities in India. Furthermore, while developing AQI forecasting models, GP can automatically identify significant features, and the models developed by GP are interpretable.


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How to Cite

Q. Chu Thi, Ngo Thi Thanh Hoa, and Nguyen Thi Cam Ngoan, “Prediction of Air Quality Index using genetic programming”, JMST, vol. 91, no. 91, pp. 85–95, Nov. 2023.



Research Articles