Studying and surveying factors affecting the viscosity of hydrophilic-hydrophobic polymer used in enhancing oil recovery



  • Ninh Duc Ha Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Van Canh (Corresponding Author) Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Le Trung Hieu Institute of Chemistry and Materials, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Ta Quang Minh Vietnam Petroleum Institute



Polymer injection technology; Hydrophilic-hydrophobic polymer; Salt resistant; Heat resistant.


 Hydrophilic-hydrophobic polymers have the potential to profoundly change the ability to enhance oil recovery in injection technology and are chosen for application as a new enhanced oil recovery method. The article mentions the results of research investigating the influence of factors on the viscosity of hydrophilic-hydrophobic polymers based on polyacrylamide (hydrophobically associating polyacrylamide-HAP) used in injection technology to enhance recovery. Oil: HAP 6S, HAP 3SP and HAP 2SP. An increase in polymer viscosity can improve the scavenging efficiency during enhanced oil recovery, the bulk viscosity of polymers is based on molecular chain extension and physical obstruction of solvated chains, viscosity solutions of synthetic polymers, studied as functions of concentration, temperature, and salinity. The research, survey, and evaluation will select the appropriate hydrophilic-hydrophobic polymer content to withstand salinity (NaCl content is about 3 - 3.5%) for immediate application on offshore drilling rigs. Heat resistant when working in high-temperature environments up to 110 oC. The results of this research are the premise for the next evaluation in the process of proposing the application of hydrophilic-hydrophobic polymers for the polymer injection process to enhance oil recovery in our country's production wells, especially in the Miocene strata.


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How to Cite

Ninh Đức Hà, Nguyễn Văn Cành, Lê Trung Hiếu, and Tạ Quang Minh, “Studying and surveying factors affecting the viscosity of hydrophilic-hydrophobic polymer used in enhancing oil recovery”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 245–250, Dec. 2023.



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