Reduced graphene oxide aerogel for supercapacitor electrode
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Graphene aerogel; Supercapacitor; Capacity; Electrode.Abstract
In this study, the rGO aerogel material was successfully fabricated by freeze-drying combined with high-temperature reduction method. The characteristics of rGO aerogel were investigated by modern techniques such as SEM-EDX, XRD, Raman, N2 adsorption and desorption. Electrochemical properties were studied through cyclic potential scanning (CV), charge-discharge (GCD) and electrochemical Imdependance Spectroscopy (EIS) methods in 6M KOH electrolyte solution. Research results show that rGO aerogel has a large specific surface area and pore volume of 162.4 m2/g and 0.237 cm3/g, respectively, and a large specific capacitance of 90 F/g at a current density of 0.1. A/g and long charge-discharge life with specific capacitance reaching 87.5% after 500 charge-discharge cycles.
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