Research on the stability of concentration and biological activity of preparation including Bacillus subtilis, quercetin under experimental conditions



  • Nghiem Ngoc Hoa (Corresponding Author) Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Ha Trung Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Le Huy Hoang Institute of New Technology, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Bacillus subtilis; DPPH; Quercetin.


The efficiency of a biological preparation depends on many factors, especially the density of its bacteria. During shelf life, protective conditions do not have any factor that reduces the number of spore bacteria. This study determined the stability of quercetin content (mg), density of Bacillus subtilis (CFU/g) and DPPH antioxidant activity (%), antibacterial activity, etc., in storage time. The obtained results showed that after storage time at room temperature of 30 °C, the quercetin content in the preparation was maintained at 44,74 ± 0,15 mg/g, the density of Bacillus subtilis was about 5,32 x 106 CFU/g. The product, during storage, showed antioxidant activity with the ability to neutralize DPPH > 60% and was active against tested bacteria E. coli, Salmonella at experimental conditions.


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How to Cite

Nghiêm Ngọc Hoa, Nguyễn Hà Trung, and Lê Huy Hoàng, “Research on the stability of concentration and biological activity of preparation including Bacillus subtilis, quercetin under experimental conditions”, JMST, no. FEE, pp. 264–270, Dec. 2023.



Research Articles