Screening of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) produced by bacteria isolated from Truong Sa Lon island
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Biodegradation; Bioplastic; Polyhydroxyankanoate; Halophilic; Truong Sa.Abstract
Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a biodegradable plastic produced by microorganisms. PHA is a form of energy and C storage in microbial cells in the conditions of excess C source and lack of one of the compounds N, S, P, etc. Many microorganisms can biosynthesis PHA but halophilic bacteria have some advantages due to cost and energy savings. In this study, the results of isolation and screening of halophilic bacteria from soils, wastes, and water on Truong Sa Lon island are presented. Two strains of 20 strains of halophilic bacteria isolated from Truong Sa Lon island which are capable of biosynthesis of high PHA were identified by sequencing 16S rRNA gene segment. The results showed that strain TSLT14 belonged to the genus Klebsiella and was named Klebsiella sp. TSLT14. TSLS23 strain belongs to the genus Bacillus and was named Bacillus sp. TSLS23.
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