The constructing of a solution for quick test firing at the ground artillery company



  • Nguyen Sach Thanh (Corresponding Author) Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Le Ngoc Sang Artillery Command
  • Le Minh Hang Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Pham Duy Thai Le Quy Don Technical University
  • Ngo Minh Phuong Artillery Command



Artillery; VRP712/S; RestSharp.


Current research endeavours aimed at enhancing the efficacy of artillery firepower primarily concentrate on the application of auxiliary technologies for calculating and determining firing elements, as well as the exploration of innovative firing methods and regulations to conserve artillery shells. These initiatives do not directly investigate solutions to reduce the time required to determine effective elements for artillery. Consequently, this study proposes a solution that allows quick test firing and conserves rounds when directly testing ground artillery targets via the VRP712/S data transmission systems developed by the group that serves the Viettel defence industry. As a result, the authors have built a software system for quick test firing at the ground artillery company. In contrast to the conventional calculations of previous gunners, the proposed solution has been validated via firing exercises conducted at a ground artillery company utilising 152-D20 guns and 105mm guns, yielding favourable results.


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How to Cite

Nguyen Sach Thanh, Le Ngoc Sang, Le Minh Hang, Pham Duy Thai, and Ngo Minh Phuong, “The constructing of a solution for quick test firing at the ground artillery company”, JMST, no. CSCE7, pp. 111–121, Dec. 2023.



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