ISO 4037 narrow spectrum X-ray reference field: Simulation and measurement



  • Le Ngoc Thiem (Corresponding Author) Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology
  • Nguyen Thi Nhu Yen VNU University of Science



Averaged energy; Air Kerma; SpekPy; Homogeneity coefficient.


The paper presents the characteristics of the ISO-4037 narrow spectrum X-ray reference fields in 02 different manners: simulation using the SpekPy and measurement using a calibrated ionization chamber. The physical (air Kerma rate) and radiation (X-ray fluence-spectrum-averaged energy, the first and the second half value layers, as well as the beam homogeneity coefficient) quantities were simulated using the SpekPy web-based simulation toolkit. In addition, air Kerma rates were measured by the ionization chamber. The characteristics of the ISO-4037 narrow spectrum X-ray reference fields were determined for various X-ray beam qualities (i.e., N-40, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 150) at 250 cm from the X-ray focal spot. The air Kerma rate tendency was deduced by comparing simulation and measurement data. The combined standard uncertainty of measured air Kerma rate was investigated and presented.


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How to Cite

N.-T. LE and Nguyen Thi Nhu Yen, “ISO 4037 narrow spectrum X-ray reference field: Simulation and measurement”, JMST, vol. 94, no. 94, pp. 117–121, Apr. 2024.



Physics & Materials Science