Investigating the effect of temperature and strain rate on the microstructure of nanocrystalline CoCrFeMnNi high‑entropy alloy by molecular dynamics method



  • Tran Van Nghia (Corresponding Author) Military Technical Academy
  • Nguyen Van Duong Military Technical Academy
  • Nguyen Dinh Chien Military Technical Academy



CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy; Temperature; Strain rates; Molecular dynamics method.


 The effect of temperature and strain rates on the microstructure development of a typical polycrystalline CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy was studied in molecular dynamics. Four typical temperatures of 300 K, 700 K, and 1100 K were selected. The results revealed that the peak stress and the tow stress decreased with the increases in formation temperatures, while the extent of twinning was found to be responsive to the temperatures. Furthermore, three strain rates of 1×108/s, 5×108/s, and 1×109/s were chosen to explore the influence of strain rate on the microstructural behavior of the material at 300 K. It was found that both peak stress and tow stress increased with the strain rates.


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How to Cite

V. N. Trần, D. Nguyễn Văn, and C. Nguyễn Đình, “Investigating the effect of temperature and strain rate on the microstructure of nanocrystalline CoCrFeMnNi high‑entropy alloy by molecular dynamics method”, JMST, vol. 97, no. 97, pp. 165–172, Aug. 2024.



Mechanics & Mechanical engineering