Modelisation, Analysis and prevention sub-synchronous resonance phenomenon at Vung Ang thermal plant



  • Le Thi Minh Chau Faculty of Electrical Engineering, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology
  • Le Duc Tung (Corresponding Author) Smart Grid Lab, School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology



Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR); Passive Filter; Vung Ang Thermal Power Plant.


This paper presents a method for building models, modelisation, analysis and prevention the phenomenon of subsynchronous resonance in the power system, applied to Vung Ang thermal power plant. Through simulation and analysis results, the author proposes solutions for operating the power system, using appropriate vertical compensation capacity, and using passive filters to minimize the risk of sub-synchronous. Calculation results on the power system model viewed from the Vung Ang thermal power plant have been tested, demonstrating the risk of subsynchronous resonance incidents as well as the effectiveness of the filter method in eliminating except this incident.


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How to Cite

Lê, T. M. C., and P. T. T. Le Duc. “Modelisation, Analysis and Prevention Sub-Synchronous Resonance Phenomenon at Vung Ang Thermal Plant”. Journal of Military Science and Technology, vol. 97, no. 97, Aug. 2024, pp. 67-74, doi:10.54939/1859-1043.j.mst.97.2024.67-74.



Electronics & Automation
