Optimization of structural parameters of the warhead to the penetration ability of the shaped charge
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GSA; Optimization; Shaped charge warhead; Liner structure; Penetration.Abstract
The study of the rational selection of structural parameters for shaped charge warheads to achieve maximum penetration power is always a pressing issue that has received significant research attention. In this paper, the authors use a method for calculating the penetration power of shaped charges that takes into account the detonation position, combined with the Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) and the Autodyn 2D simulation method, to optimize the structure of a 110 mm shaped charge warhead by varying the following parameters: the half-angle of the liner cone α0, which varies within the range of [25°; 30°]; the height of the liner cone H, varying within the range of [87 mm; 90 mm]; the x-coordinate of the secondary detonation center xT, varying within the range of [21 mm; 27 mm]; and the y-coordinate of the secondary detonation center yT, varying within the range of [40 mm; 47 mm]. This initial research has identified a parameter set [α0; H; xT; yT] that achieves a maximum penetration depth of b = 717.98 mm.
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