Design, fabrication of launch tube of man-portable flight equipment made of composite material
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Launch tube; Composite cylindrical shell; Man-portable flight equipment; Composite.Abstract
The launch tube is an important part of the launch assembly, along with the launch motor helping the flight equipment move in a predetermined direction and reach a certain initial speed. In addition, the launch tube also serves as a storage tube for flight equipment in storage and transportation. For man-portable flight equipment, due to the requirement for quick combat, the launch tube is a disposable tube. The tube must be light in weight to be easy to carry and use, but must be durable enough under the pressure of combustion products from the launch motor. Most man-portable flight equipment in the world use launch tubes made from high-strength fiber-reinforced polymer composite materials because they can satisfy the above requirements that are difficult to meet using metal materials on mass. This paper focuses on researching the design of the composite launch tube structure of man-portable flight equipment based on sample reference and testing the launch tube's strength. Next, proceed to fabricate the launch tube from glass fiber-reinforced epoxy composite material and test it.
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