Determination of shape and material thickness on dome of non-geodesic wound orthotropic composite pressure vessel
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Pressure vessel; Composite; Dome shape; Thickness of shell; Non-geodesic winding.Abstract
In the composite pressure vessel winding technique, non-geodesic winding is a technique of spreading the yarn along a trajectory that deviates from the geodesic path (the shortest path connecting two points on the shell surface) a certain distance, but still ensures that the yarn does not slip on the shell surface. This technique is applied in winding pressure vessels with polar hole radii of two different domes. For cylindrically composite shell with domes, two important problems are: 1- determining the dome profile; 2- determining the composite shell thickness. This paper focuses on building a mathematical model to determine the above two problems based on the assumption that composite materials are orthogonal, in which, the problem of determining the dome profile is based on three conditions: 1- balanced shape, 2- no fiber slip, 3- minimum strain energy; while the thickness determination problem is performed using Tsai-Wu failure criterion. The results are the basis for calculation of structural and winding processing parameters of non-geodesic wound composite pressure vessels.
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