Prediction of material thickness on dome of geodesic wound orthotropic composite vessel



  • Dinh Van Hien (Corresponding Author) Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology
  • Tran Ngoc Thanh Institute of Missile, Academy of Military Science and Technology



Laminate thickness; Composite pressure vessel; Orthotropic composite; Geodesic winding.


Orthotropic composite pressure vessels are designed based on considering the role of a matrix in the force balance of the structure and its leakage due to matrix failure. To be more specific, the stress and strain states of the shell are considered simultaneously in both longitudinal and transverse directions of the fiber. Due to such a loaded condition, the laminate thickness prediction of the shell does not use the maximum stress criterion as with the traditional monotropic composite vessels but rather the multi-axial failure criterion of the composite material. With the developed and published platforms on the design of the dome profile of the composite vessel, this paper focuses on predicting the laminate thickness of the geodesic wound dome of the pressure vessel according to Tsai-Wu failure criteria, simultaneously the material thickness distribution on the dome as a basis for determining structural parameters of the vessels.


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How to Cite

Dinh Van Hien and Tran Ngoc Thanh, “Prediction of material thickness on dome of geodesic wound orthotropic composite vessel”, JMST, no. 83, pp. 95–102, Nov. 2022.



Research Articles