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Mobile Arm processor; Raspberry Pi supercomputer cluster; Performance analysis.Abstract
In this paper, a new Raspberry PI supercomputer cluster architecture is proposed. Generally, to gain speed at petaflops and exaflops, typical modern supercomputers based on 2009-2018 computing technologies must consume between 6 MW and 20 MW of electrical power, almost all of which is converted into heat, requiring high cost for cooling technology and Cooling Towers. The management of heat density has remained a key issue for most centralized supercomputers. In our proposed architecture, supercomputers with highly energy-efficient mobile ARM processors are a new choice as it enables them to address performance, power, and cost issues. With ARM’s recent introduction of its energy-efficient 64-bit CPUs targeting servers, Raspberry Pi cluster module-based supercomputing is now within reach. But how is the performance of supercomputers-based mobile multicore processors? Obtained experimental results reported on the proposed approach indicate the lower electrical power and higher performance in comparison with the previous approaches.
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